Friday, January 27, 2006

Toledo Zoo on the right track?

After the controversies of the Toledo Zoo last spring, a Special Citizens Task Force was created to review and make recommended changes in the way Zoo operations were conducted. In October it was reported that the Toledo Zoo implemented 115 of the 123 (93%) of the recommended changes and won the praises of Lucas County Officials for their actions.(See Article). Most recently the Lucas County Citizens Tax Levy Review Committee supported the recommendation that county commissioners put two zoo levies before voters.
Has the Zoo earn the respect and confidence of the Lucas County taxpayers to be in a position to win passage of these levies? This writer thinks so; however, a new group of skeptics who call themselves Citizens for a Responsible Zoo don't and seem Hell Bent on disrailing the Zoo's efforts to get their levies approved.
It comes as no surprise that this group has chosen Debra Reichard Klein as their spokesperson. Who better to open old wounds and continue efforts to discredit our beloved Institution then the sister of fired veterinarian Dr. Tim Reichard. Can you say GRUDGE? Although this group has been reported to consist of about 10 members, I find it interesting that only Ms. Klein has been identified by name. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the other 9 might consist of some members of a group of disgruntled employees who did not get 100% in their failed coup attempt in wresting complete control of the Zoo.
According to the groups website, their mission is "Provide the community with updated information on concerns and recommendations for Zoo improvement through media releases, the Blade’s pages of opinion section, and a web site". Wow, relying on this type of one sided information gathering practice is sure to produce reliable and objective misinformation. I for one would much rather put my trust in the Task Force recommendations then in the bias reporting from a newspaper article.
I would remind this group that the last time I checked 93% constituted a grade of "A" and a GPA of 3.29. It is for that reason alone that I accept the fact that the Zoo is making the necessary changes to re-establish the trust of taxpayers and have earned their passage of the zoo levies soon to come before the voters. It disturbs me greatly that we continue to have a group of skeptics who continue to stir the kettle of discontent. I have three words for the Citizens for a Responsible Zoo..."GET OVER IT" If you really Love Your Zoo, drop your frivolouss complaints and let The Toledo Zoo regain its stature as One of America's greatest zoo's right here in our own backyard. Do not tarnish the reputation of this beloved institution more then you already have! I LOVE MY ZOO!


Anonymous said...

Well Said

Anonymous said...

I must agree with KrazyKat. I can't believe it. According to the Toledo Blade on 01/31/06, This Group wants to redo survey of zoo workers. Do we really have to go through all this again? It sounds like this group is searching for a fish out of water and fails to understand that the scope of the Task Force recommendations were just that, recommendations and that the ZOO was not under any Obligation to enact every single one. Or they simply choose to ignore the fact that 115 of 123 changes made is a very respectable response. Why make all the Zoo employeess take another survey just to satisfy their own little click and re-upset the applecart which was righted by The Task Force reccomendation, at least two employee surveys, massive media coverage, and the hiring of a New Zoo Director.

As I understood it from earlier media articles and speaking with several Zoo Employees, they were all satisfied with the manner in which the original surveys were conducted and the results. Why does this group need to request additional. It is like the little train shouting "I think I can, I think I can". If they try often and long enough, they will eventually get the results they seek. Be it warrented or not.

They just cannot let things go. Maybe their goal is an attempt to recruit new members into their group from unsuspecting participants by filling their virgin brains with propaganda and nonsense.

Or maybe they are just buying into the hype from disgruntled employees who won their battle but lost their war against the Zoo. It reminds me of Iraq. They couldn't get it done during the first war so they launch a second. You can see where that gets us.

I feel sorry for this group. How pathetic!