Friday, April 21, 2006

FLASH!!! Toledo Blade loses Pulitzer due to inside job.

According to the story a person INSIDE the newsroom sent a letter to the Pulitzer committee!

The letter claimed that Blade editors "covered up" details of Noe's coingate over a year before they published! Bill Frogameni would be proud! Or was he involved? Perhaps the outside security firm that The Blade hired will find that he was!

Way to go union! Shoot yourselves in the foot!

What a coincidence that labor negotiations are going badly at the same time!

Unions will kill themselves off by destroying their own employers.



Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


From the tone of your post I take it to mean that the possibility of someone shooting the Blah, et al., in the foot is a bad thing. . . ;-)

Did I understand this right?

Unknown said...

Wow, I had missed that though I have read Bill Froagmeni's writings on this.

Thanks for posting this, for some reason the Blade didn't write about it.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer newspaper.

Berserker said...

Notice that The Newspaper Guild's "Mobilization" chairman is mentioned in today's (Sunday, May 28th, 2006) Blade story?

You can draw your own conclusions.

I bet that the tip of the iceberg could only be reported.

Here's the full story from The Blade: